The skin is one of the most most vital and largest organ that shield and protect our internal and external organs. It’s a protective gland and can also heal itself of many environmental or internal damages. Despite the fact that it heals itself it can also be bruised or damaged.
To Achieve an Healthy Skin, follow these procedures;
Blisters could be annoying, painful and uncomfortable. Apart from rectifying the reason for the cause, blisters can heal on its own. However, healing care is also very important to prevent resulting infections.
There are so many skin disorders that could be underlay of health conditions that you should be concerned with. Do not Ignore any skin changes and get yourself checked upon such.
If you are new to the skincare routine processes; at Shaday Beauty Range, we have answers to your questions about your skin and beauty care and tips.
Your Skin requires so much attention for it to function well.
References:Health line
- Wash and rinse with Clean Water.
- Cleanse at most Twice a a day.
- Apply a Toner After Cleansing (Optional).
- Exfoliate at most Twice a week.
- Always apply a Moisturizer.
- Always apply Sunscreen.
Dry, itchy plaques or patches – This occurs when your body produces too many new Skin cells before the older cells Shed off, it might be as a result of “psoriasis”.
Dry and peeling Lips-if your lips are always getting dry most times or constantly peeling off it could be as a result of an underlying health Condition Hypothyroidism, diabetes or you might be dehydrated and need to stay more hydrated.
Puffy Eyes or Eye Bags
Commonly this could be taken for a result of lack of sleep or fatigue; this could be as a result of Chronic Allergies.LOSS OF HAIR
Loss of Hair Many would blame their hair stylists, their constant use of Extensions or Stress for their hair loss however; this could be an Auto immune disorder. Alopecia areata is a disease where hair follicles are damaged by immune system.
Blisters – Medical Professionals also call this Vesicle – raising of the skin filled with fluid, Usually it occurs when you put on an shoe that is not of your leg fit for a long period.